BVFF nummer:
BVFF 2019:2-10
Förbättra porös asfalts motståndskraft mot stensläpp i Sverige
Ehsan Ghafoori
Skanska Dynapac NCC KTH
Because of the health-related issues due to the traffic noise in urban areas the demand for constructing noise reducing pavements is increasing. Along with other leaders in this topic, such as Netherlands and Japan, Sweden has a long history of using porous asphalt as one of the solutions for reducing the traffic noise in its urban areas. The recent successful experience of building double layer porous asphalt in Huskvarna encouraged constructing more porous asphalt with this type in other parts of Sweden. However, the durability of this structure became an issue when it was used for surfacing another road with higher traffic load and different speed limit. One of the main causes of this premature failure on pavements with high porosities is raveling. Based on the recent literature review carried out at VTI on this topic, there are different techniques and methods that can improve the raveling resistance of porous asphalt mixtures. However, the efficiency of these recommended methods is needed to be examined using the most relevant evaluating methods adjusted for road conditions in Sweden.
Hållbarhet är huvudproblemet med de porösa asfaltbeläggningarna, särskilt i kalla områden som Sverige. Bland olika orsaker till för tidigt misslyckande i denna typ av vägar är stensläpp den mest dominerande. I denna undersökning utreds mekanismerna för stensläpp som en funktion av miljöförhållandena och ogynnsam trafikbelastning för att hitta representativa utvärderingsmetoder såväl som alternativa material för att motverka problemet med det för tidiga stensläppet i porösa asfaltbeläggningar.
Förväntat resultat
- Recommendations on the most efficient materials, additives for improving the raveling resistance of the porous asphalt pavements in Sweden - Recommending the most relevant evaluating test methods that can be used as a standard procedure for evaluating the resistance of the porous mixtures against raveling The output of this project is expected to encourage using the porous asphalt pavements in a broader scale in Sweden.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
In order to implement the obtained results from this project the following steps are made: 1. The obtained results from this project at each step will be communicated and discussed with the partners in form of regular reference group meetings or other events (such as seminars or workshops) where the entrepreneurs can be reached and informed about the findings. 2. The results will be published in form of peer-reviewed journal and conference papers as well as final report. Then, all publications and reports will be sent to the partners and other entrepreneurs for encouraging them to apply the achievements of this study in their projects.
September 2019 - December 2020