BVFF nummer:
Improving low-volume road construction and performance
Dina Kuttah
+46 13 20 42 45
Sweden has a wide network of unpaved low-volume roads, which suffer from frost- thaw problems as well as insufficient drainage. As more water is penetrating down into the subgrade soil under the freeze-thaw seasons, the bearing capacity will decreases and deterioration of road increases. Approximately one-fifth of pavement failures occur due to insufficient structural strength. Inadequate bearing capacity of underlying weak subgrade and inefficient load transfer from the base course are two of the main reasons for roads failures. The road will suffer a small deterioration every time a vehicle travel over it. However overloading of a vehicle will accelerate this process. Unpaved roads consist of unbound materials and therefore they are susceptible to erosion. This erosion (due to traffic loading or change in climate conditions) will affect negatively the minimum road grade required to drain out the surface water due to rainfall or melt snow. The cross sectional road slope should promote surface drainage and prevent ponding on the road surface that can promote softening of subgrade materials. Geotextiles are specially fabricated to be used in transportation engineering applications. It is convenient to identify the primary function of a geosynthetic as being one of: separation, filtration, drainage, reinforcement, and erosion control. In many cases the geosynthetic may serve dual functions. However, the validity of using geotextiles as a cost-effective alternative for constructing unpaved roads could be examined by accelerated load testing.
The main goal of this study is to enlighten the benefits of using the heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) in verifying the validity of the proposed design of roads using the geotextile which in turn lead to an efficient road construction. In addition, this project helps to validate the use of geotextiles and/or geogrids as a cost-effective solution to enhance the performance of low volume traffic roads. The use of these materials reduces the thickness of unbound layers required over soft soil which in turn reduce the costs of constructions. Moreover, this study highlights the validity of using the multi-functional geotextiles to improving the performance of unpaved roads.
Förväntat resultat
The use of geogrids for constructing unpaved roads can result in: 1. Significant cost and construction time saving. 2. Better and durable unpaved roads. 3. Encourage the use of Geogrids in Sweden as a less expensive alternative in producing a stable road. 4. The project is expected to result in a verification of whether the reinforcement is a cost-effective method for enhancing low-volume roads or not.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
The final report of the project will be published as VTI reports and/or articles in international journals and conferences
Startdatum 2013-02-1/ Slutdatum 2014-12-31