Projekt BVFF - publicerade
BVFF nummer:
BVFF 2021:1-07
Permanent deformations in unbound layers of low volume roads under heavy traffic
Denis Jelagin
Bearing capacity of low traffic volume roads is mainly controlled by unbound layers and subgrade, as their asphalt layers are relatively thin. At the same time, low volume roads are often subjected to heavy traffic loads due to e.g. construction, agricultural and industrial traffic. This may result in excessive permanent deformations. The issue is of particular importance in connection with introduction of longer and heavier trucks on Swedish road network, as they may induce high stresses in subgrade due to superposition of axle loads. Reliable computational tools for assessing permanent deformation susceptibility of unbound layers in low volume roads are still lacking and the intention of this present project to address this gap.
The present project builds on research results attained in several projects at KTH. In particular, under a project “Large scale modelling of railway ballast layers for high speed railways” funded by Trafikverket through BIG, a new constitutive model for unbound materials has been developed. The model allows to investigate permanent deformation in ballast materials under cyclic loading, and it is advantageous as compared to existing empirical models, as it is based on ballast’s fundamental mechanical properties. This project aims to extend the model for evaluation of permanent deformation accumulation in subgrade and unbound road layers. The developed model will be used in Finite Element (FE) analysis of critical load cases on low volume roads.
Lågtrafikerade vägar utsätts ofta för tunga laster från bygg-, jordbruk- och industritrafik. Då de bundna lagren i lågtrafikerade vägar är relativt tunna, kan lasterna från tung trafik orsaka stora permanenta deformationer i underbyggnaden och i de obundna lagerna. Detta problem är av speciell betydelse för höjning av tillåten fordonsvikt i Sverige. Det föreslagna projektet syftar till att utveckla ett tillförlitligt beräkningsverktyg för att utvärdera känsligheten för permanenta deformationer i obundna lager i lågtrafikerade vägar. Målet är en modell som fångar inverkan av kritiska lastfall i 3D på deformationer efter lång tid på ett beräkningseffektivt sätt. Speciellt så kommer inverkan av långa och tunga lastbilar samt hjullaster placerade nära kanten av vägbanan att undersökas.
För att försäkra sig att modellen är giltig för en stor bredd av olika material och vägstrukturer så kommer modellen baseras på fundamentala materialparametrar som fås från treaxiell provning. Det utvecklade modelleringsverktyget kommer användas för att bestämma kritiska villkor för ökande permanenta deformationer i lågtrafikerade vägar med avseende på lastfall, karakteristik hos det obundna materialet samt vägens strukturella och geometriska design. Sammanfattningsvis, resultat från projektet kommer bidra till bättre prediktioner av vägens prestanda, bättre strukturell och geometrisk design av lågtrafikerade vägar samt möjliggöra implementering av nya material i byggandet av vägar.
Förväntat resultat
The main project deliverable will be a modelling tool for evaluation of permanent deformation performance of low volume roads under heavy traffic. The model will be implemented in a commercial FE modelling package and documented in the report. The emphasis will be on incorporating fundamental mechanical properties of unbound road materials into performance prediction. The developed procedure for model parameters identification from triaxial test data will be fully documented, in order to facilitate the application of the modelling approach to new materials.
The developed modelling tool will be used to evaluate critical conditions for permanent deformation accumulation in low volume roads, in terms of load cases, unbound material characteristics, road structural and geometrical designs. Accordingly, the project’s outcomes will contribute to better:
- Performance and service life predictions for low volume road network.
- Guidelines for improved structural and geometrical design of low volume roads, as well as for implementation of new materials in road construction.
- Basis for consulting of the building industry and road authorities in adapting the secondary road network to heavy traffic, from life cycle cost perspective.
- Guidelines for field measurements for improved low volume roads condition monitoring, proposed based on the outcomes of the subtask 3.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
In order to ensure that the results of the project are communicated to the research community and to the users, the following steps will be taken:
- A user reference group will be formed at the start of the project. The reference group will consist of representatives of the following authorities/companies: Trafikverket (Robert Karlsson), NCC, Peab (Anders Gudmarsson). Twice a year, a detailed presentation will be given to the reference group.
- Results of the project will be published in scientific papers and summarized in a final project report.
- The results achieved in the project will also be presented at SBU and Road2Science events
- Results will be presented in national and international conferences.
Project can start in August 2021 and will take 2 years.