BVFF nummer:
BVFF 2020:1-02
Fundamental approach för in-situ viskoelastisk karaktärisering av asfaltbeläggning
Prof. Denis Jelagin
Trafikverket ÅF Consult AB
Deteriorations in a pavement usually are consequence of lake of the structural insufficiency and/or environmental susceptibility. In either way, it is crucial to efficiently measure the current condition of the pavement and calculate the remaining life time. A parameter that could give a better insight about the pavement structural status is the bearing capacity of the pavement. One of the recent development is the Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) which is using a technique to measure the velocity of the pavement deflection at the traffic speed under the heavy truck load. In addition to the efficiency and traffic safety, it may also give the possibility for calculating the viscoelastic properties of the asphalt pavement. With this it would be possible to predict the performance of the road more accurate. The proposed project aims to provide a basis for utilizing the continuous bearing capacity data for calculating the viscoelastic properties of asphalt pavement and predict its mechanical performance. Hence, under this project a viscoelastic model will be developed and validated for calculating the fracture energy of asphalt pavement from the measured continuous bearing capacity. An algorithm will be presented for identifying pavement sections which are susceptible for crack development at the earlier stage. Moreover, by duplicating the model and aging behavior of asphalt pavement, an indices will be introduced for figuring out the aging level of asphalt pavement.
I den här undersökningen används den uppmätta bärighet hos asfaltbeläggningen för att beräkna de viskoelastiska egenskaperna hos asfaltbeläggning via en modell som kommer att utvecklas och valideras. Dessa parametrar kommer att användas för att beräkna frakturenergi på överbyggnad samt temperatureffekten på resultaten. TSD-utrustningen möjliggör kontinuerligt mätning av beläggningens bärighet under tid, genom att mäta hastigheten av avböjningen av överbyggnad under tung trafik. Därför kan det vara möjligt att identifiera de vägsektioner som är mottagliga för krackelering och högre åldrande. Detta kan göras genom att duplicera uppmätta data och utvecklad modell med en algoritm och / eller index.
Förväntat resultat
By accomplishing project tasks, it would be possible to implement pavement structural analysis in the maintenance decisions at the network-level. Furthermore, it would be possible to extracting in-situ viscoelastic properties of the pavement for further analysis. These would also give the capability of more mechanistic rehabilitation design. It is expected that the result of this project can also well integrate with the project which has aim to calculate bearing capacity of the pavement based on the viscoelastic relations such as the linear viscoelastic predictive approach PEDRO for prediction of rut development in asphalt pavement layers and/or mechanistic-empirical approach for pavement design such as ERAPave at VTI. The result of this project will be expected to improve the accuracy of road diagnose, segmentation and maintenance planning. One another outcome of this project, would be a methodology for creating a structural performance curve of the pavement. By continuous bearing capacity measurement over time, the developed model and algorithm in this project, it would be possible to monitor the segregated structural respond of pavement layers to the passed traffic load, and more accurate predicting of the pavement structural performance for upcoming traffic. Additionally, it will be expected that the proposed project presents an indices which can capture the aging rate of the asphalt bounded layer.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
In order to ensure that the results of the project are communicated to the research community and to the users, the following steps will be taken: - A user reference group will be formed at the start of the project. - Results of the project will be published in several scientific papers and summarized in a report. - The results achieved in the project will also be presented at SBU and NVF events. - Results will be as well presented in national and international conferences.
The project is anticipated to be started in winter 2020 and finished by end of 2020. (2020-01-15 / 2020-12-31)