BVFF nummer:
Simulation of railway track geometry and intelligent maintenance planning
Alireza Ahmadi
Infranord eMaintenance 365 Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI) Järnvägstekniskt Centrum
Nowadays, railways are experiencing higher demands, for transportation of passengers and goods that impose higher demands on railway performability, capacity and service quality. Track geometry degradation is the fundamental part of railway infrastructure and has a significant part of maintenance effort and cost. This necessitates development and implementation of an applicable and cost effective maintenance program to control the degradation of the track. The short and long term behaviour of track requires advanced stochastic modelling approaches with uncertainties. IM managers concern is to optimize maintenance plan over a network with constraints of availability of resources, traffic, budget and technicalities. The track geometry planning optimization model tries to find the best set of decision variables, e.g. inspection interval, maintenance threshold wrt LCC and RAMS. Main IM strategy is the development of an efficient and effective maintenance schedule. Opportunistic Maintenance concept is widely used in railway infrastructure maintenance scheduling. After identifying maintenance needs through predictive models and creating an opportunistic scheduling plan, IM needs to support the execution of geometry maintenance activities with information about the absolute position of track geometry. To support existing and future data management, it is necessary to have a cloud based computerized maintenance platform for the performing data mining, analytics and visualization.
Railways are experiencing higher demands on infrastructure performability, capacity and service quality that necessitates development and implementation of an effective maintenance program. It requires appropriate modelling which reflects the real-life scenario and integrates influencing factors with several uncertainties. Also, it requires integrated platform with data, information and knowledge for adaptive maintenance planning and scheduling. SIMTRACK will facilitate simulation-based platform that enables development of a tools, methodologies and techniques for the optimization of track geometry maintenance planning, scheduling and opportunistic maintenance and realisation of efficient and effective execution of geometry interventions.
Förväntat resultat
The expected impact of SIMTRACK is related to three thematic areas include: 1. Safety impact: the outcome of the project will facilitate better understanding of track geometry degradation and accurate prediction of the track irregularities. This will support the identification of corrective and preventive maintenance needs which is expected to reduce the risk of track failure by 3-5% thus making it safer to travel on rail. 2. Economic impact: intelligent maintenance planning facilitates better utilization of resources and time on track which positively contributes to reduce direct and indirect operational costs. It is expected that SIMTRACK will contributes reduction of 8-10% in maintenance costs. 3. Operational impact: the intelligent maintenance planning will reduce unnecessary maintenance intervention and combines the will reduce possession time, increase the availability of track, enhances the utilization of resources and leads to increased capacity usage. It is foreseen that SIMTRACK will contribute to the objective of providing sufficient transport capacity with an estimated increase in the availability of infrastructure systems by 12-15%.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
The main objective of the dissemination and exploitation is to distribute project results and facilitate the acceptance of the outcomes of the project. The specific objectives pertained to the project are: • To incorporate efficient platform for transfer of knowledge among the partners in consortium and beyond. • To ensure quality of the developed tools, methods and results suit the expectations of partners To guarantee the exploitation of the results by the partners involved. A common platform needs to be planned and maintained so that the output of the project in terms of publications, activities, documents and deliverables can be shared to the consortium.
Start:2017-09-04 Slutdatum 2020-09-04