BVFF nummer:
BVFF 2021:1-08
Effect of tire characteristics on pavements damage
Denis Jelagin
073 4606698
In order to reduce fuel consumption and environmental impact of transport, innovative vehicle and vehicle components designs are proposed by the industry. Trends towards longer and heavier trucks, new tire designs with increased wear and reduced rolling resistances as well as vehicle platooning are representative examples in this context. Considerable amount of Swedish and international research highlights the importance of accounting in pavement performance prediction for the new load cases arising due to new vehicle technology solutions. The consequences new tire designs implementation for the pavement damage received, however, relatively little attention so far. Presently there is no verified framework to assess the effect of new tire types on the pavements service life, which in turn precludes evaluation of the full economic effect of vehicle technology innovations as well as identification of pavement materials and structures optimized for the new traffic. The present project aims to address this issue through development and verification of analysis tool capable to quantify the pavement damage induced by a given tire type. Under this project, a doctoral study at KTH will be conducted on developing models and test methods, for quantifying the contact tractions arising at tire-surface interaction as well as damage they induce in surface courses.
Längre och tyngre lastbilar, nya typer av däck med högre nötningsbeständighet och lägre rullmotstånd samt koordinerad körning i lastbilskolonner är exempel på innovationer in fordonsteknologi för att minska bränsleförbrukning och miljöpåverkan av transporter. För att fullt ut kunna kvantifiera de socioekonomiska effekterna av dessa innovationer, så måste de nya fordonens inverkan på vägslitage bestämmas. En aspekt som fortfarande saknas är en metod för att bestämma nya däcktypers inverkan på slitage av vägbanan. Det förslagna projektet syftar att lösa denna utmaning genom utveckling av experimentella verktyg och modeller för att kvantifiera effekten av däckparametrar på ytskador på vägbanan. En finita elementmetoden-modell (FE) av däck-väginteraktion kommer utvecklas, verifieras samt användas för att beräkna normal- och tangentiella kontaktkrafter som uppkommer vid olika körsenarior, ytegenskaper och däckparametrar. Experimentella metoder lämpliga för att bestämma inducerad skada i ytlagret på vägbanan kommer föreslås. De experimentella och numeriska verktygen utvecklade i projektet förväntas därför ge en explicit kvantitativ koppling mellan däckparametrar och vägskada. Förväntat är att resultaten kommer medföra en större kvantitativ insikt i hur införandet av nya typer av däck påverkar vägslitage. Baserat på de framtagna resultaten så är målet att optimera riktlinjerna för vägbanematerial och strukturdesign baserat på överväganden from däck-väginteraktion.
Förväntat resultat
The main practical outcome of the project will be a new analysis tool linking explicitly tire design parameters to the pavements surface course damage. The tool will incorporate structural FE models for tires representative for Swedish traffic. The intention is to establish a practical calculation approach quantifying the effect of tire parameters (i.e. inflation pressure, geometry and driving scenario) on the contact tractions arising on the pavement surface. The model will also incorporate pavement surface characteristics in terms of 3D roughness profile. Test methods for characterization of surface courses degradation under realistic loading (in terms of both normal and tangential contact tractions) will be established. As the interlayer bonds may potentially be a critical location with respect to shear induced damage, a particular attention will be given to ability to capture the influence of the bond construction aspects. The experimental and numerical tools developed under the project will be used to quantify the influence several representative tire and pavement surface course designs on pavements damage. Based on the outcomes, guidelines for the surface course material and structural designs adapted to emerging tire types will be proposed and suggestions on tire parameters regulations will be given.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering
In order to ensure that the results of the project are communicated to the research community and to the users, the following steps will be taken: - A user reference group will be formed at the start of the project. The reference group will consist of representatives of the following authorities/companies: Trafikverket (Robert Karlsson), Transportstyrelsen, NCC, Peab (Anders Gudmarsson). Twice a year, a detailed presentation will be given to the reference group. - Results of the project will be published in several scientific papers and summarized in a PhD-thesis. - The results achieved in the project will also be presented at SBU and Road2Science events - Results will be as well presented in national and international conferences.
Project can start earliest in November 2021 (due to restrictions with CSC scholarships) and will take 4 years.