Projekt BVFF - publicerade
BVFF nummer: 
BVFF 2019:2-06
Svenskt program för väganalys och -dimensionering baserat på materialvetenskap och mekanik
Iman Mirzadeh
08 555 365 01
Texas A&M, SKANSKA, Peab, WSP och ÅF
Current Swedish pavement thickness design procedures are based on empirical performance relationships, which do not consider fundamental failure mechanisms, material properties or key environmental conditions. Recognizing these limitations, a large multi-year Swedish initiative was sponsored starting in 2008 by the Transport Administration and the construction industry focusing on the development of a new pavement analysis and design framework based on fundamental principles of mechanics and material science. This work has continued to date. Recent work has involved testing of a limited number of Swedish mixtures, verification of a limited set of models which are only focused on predicting the influence of the asphalt concrete layer properties.
The current proposal extends the experimental testing to include the full range of typical Swedish asphalt mixtures and focuses on the implementation of the remaining state-of-the-art models into the design framework, including predictive models for base and subgrade layers. The long term degradation of the mixture strength properties, ageing effects and conditions of the underlying unbound granular materials all have profound influence on the performance of pavement sections, as does the healing capacity of the bitumen binders. The proposed work will ensure these contributing factors and their influence on the long term pavement performance of Swedish pavements are adequately accounted for.
Nuvarande regelverk och system för dimensionering av vägöverbyggnader bygger till en övervägande del på empirisk grund med svag koppling till egenskaper hos omgivning, trafik och använda material. Detta skapar stora begränsningar för bl.a. utveckling och användning av nya material, metoder och sätt att ställa krav i upphandlingar. Mot bakgrund av detta har sedan 2008 en satsning genomförts inom forskning och utveckling av nya modeller för mekanistisk dimensionering, livscykelanalys (LCA) och livscykelkostnadsanalys (LCC) av vägöverbyggnader. Detta forskningsprogram har finansierats av Trafikverket och byggbranschen (SBUF, Skanska, NCC och Peab). Forskningen fortsätter idag i form av ett samarbetsprojekt mellan VTI och Texas A&M University (TAMU) för att slutföra modellutvecklingen. Den nuvarande ansökan fokuserar på att integrera olika material, klimat och prognosmodeller samt validering av modellerna för svenska förhållanden. Detta är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan VTI, Texas A&M universitet (TAMU) och flera aktörer från branschen inklusive Skanska, Peab, WSP och ÅF. Projektet har delats upp i tre faser som ska rapporteras årligen.
Förväntat resultat 
The proposed work result in a new comprehensive pavement analysis and design framework that is verified and validated for Swedish conditions. The new framework will include: material prediction models based on fundamental asphalt material properties; energy-based cracking and damage models for asphalt layer performance; models for predicting base and subgrade layer properties; daily equilibrium moisture content profiles; new finite element formulation with a very fast and robust solver; and associated LCA, LCC and risk analysis models. A part of the implementation work will be the verification and validation of all key models, as well as minor adjustments to these models as needed. The results will enable the combined performance, life cycle cost, environmental costs and risk assessment of new innovations including functional materials, warm and cold mix solutions, rubber- and polymer modified asphalt, recycling material alternatives, and use of local materials. This also includes the integration of perpetual pavement design concepts, enabling the selection and optimization of materials and designs that may greatly increase resource efficiency and pavement life. The new framework can be used for routine pavement evaluations and designs, as well for special pavement design and forensics. A progress report will be written after each phase of the project with a final report presented at the end of the project.
Plan för resultatspridning och implementering 
The research team will organize six training workshops throughout the project (two workshops per phase) to identify the needs of the stakeholders with respect to the implementation project and to obtain feedback on the progress. The workshops will ensure the needed technology transfer for successful implementation, targeting consultants, contractors, and Transport Administration engineers involved with pavement construction, maintenance and design. Each phase will result in a report and a final research report will be produced describing the outcomes of the project. In addition, the outcomes will include a recommended draft document needed to implement the new framework into the Swedish regulation and standards for pavement design.
Startdatum: 2019-05-01
Slutdatum: 2022-04-31